Thursday, December 23, 2010


I sometimes wonder. Most of the time I don't even carry a camera. I guess I don't pick up my gear unless I feel inspired or set out to go and capture photographs.... What I have been telling myself lately is to carry the camera more often cuz you never know when moments worthy of a photo will present. Anyway,.... I had my camera on me yesterday,... and for a couple minutes this late afternoon rainbow showed up.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


F-Stop Blues

Not much photo stuff for me the last few days so just going through some recent sessions and doing some editing. Came across this one....

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Macro Start

OK so I got the Macro lens in today and i'm stoked. The thing is kind of heavy but the images super crisp. I captured 12 images in the middle of the day,.... 1pm (ish) . The light was hot,.... and mostly   poor. Anyway here ya go..... Nice eh....?

As expected.

What a nice morning! I woke with a french press of freshly ground Kona Coffee and headed to the beach.When I arrived pre dawn,... I found a empty beach with lefts and rights slamming up and down the bay. I got in the water and was able to squeeze off 100 or so shots and some video. Of the 100 plus shots I got this one.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Surf for shots.

OK so the forecast for tomorrow looks good for Kauai Island. We got a 4' WNW, 5' N, and a 3' SSW going on with light SE to LV's going. Looking forward to the AM.

New lens on the way.

Today I am on the lookout for the UPS guy. I ordered a 180mm macro from B&H photo the other day. I plan on filming centipede heads. Stay tuned for some weird images from a disturbed mind. Here is a link if your looking for help choosing your next Canon whatever.

I just picked up this one...

Ok here we go.

This morning was a fantastic time for capturing images. I checked the sat map pre dawn and noticed that there were some high sirus clouds in the vicinity. These types of clouds usually light up nicely in the dawn hours  and provide a nice back drop to one of my favorite subjects.... Waves.... Here is a gem from the session. I was in the water less then an hour. There was a mix of North, North North West and South swells hitting the beach resulting in some cool peak formations.