Sunday, February 13, 2011

Water Roots

A long exposure taken during the middle of the day in an area that never sees direct sunlight. 

Monday, January 31, 2011

Ear Wax

Recently I went in for a physical exam and flat out failed the hearing test. The doctor examined my ears and found them to be loaded with sand and wax.... After getting them irrigated and reexamined,... a ball of wax noted in my right ear that was not coming out,.... so the Doctor had to scrape it out with a scoopula. The ball of wax was the size of a large green pea. Yuk! Any way I now have perfect hearing... But probably not for long....

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Barb Wire

Yeah I know it's a blog.... Blah, blah, blah, yak, yak, yak.  Barb wire!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mouse Trap

 Star burst like reflections from the sun... 
The crystal like glass on the face near the back of the barrel... 

Friday, January 14, 2011

Opaekaa Falls

Lucky we live in Hawaii... When I got home and posted this it was 24 degrees with snow flurries in Chicago... Not to bash on Shy Town cuz I love that place.... I'm just saying.... 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

F-22 Raptor

 The F-22 represents the greatest advance in fighter capability in 50 years. The F-22 can supersonically cruise without use of afterburner, has extreme maneuverability thanks in part to an advanced thrust vectoring system, stealthiness from all directions, including from infrared systems; a "first-look/first-kill" capability; and avionics that are a generation ahead of anything else in the world, equal in power to seven Cray supercomputers. The F-22 is about the same size as the F-15, but it is way better. Every single part of the F-22 has technology far greater than that of the 25-year-old F-15, which it will replace in November 2004.